Pre-Trip Questionnaire & Emergency Contact Info

Name (required)
Address (required)
Have you verified with your cellular service provider (AT&T, etc.) if your phone is unlocked? ​[SUPER IMPORTANT IF YOU WANT TO USE THE LOCAL SIM CARD THAT WE PROVIDE​] (If you haven't done it yet, do it now. We'll wait... :)
Do you have an electrical adapter and are you sure it will work in our location? (required)

Now, we'd like to get to know you a little bit better before you arrive...

Are you a vegetarian/​vegan? (required)
Are you a smoker? (NOTE: Smoking is strictly prohibited inside our apartments and the coworking workspace) (required)
Do you consider yourself an early bird or a night owl? (required)
Early Bird
Night Owl
I consider yourself an: (required)
Some people need more time on their own than others. Where do you fit? (required)
I need the occasional day to do my own thing
I'm okay striking out on my own, but I prefer to be with others
Exploring by myself doesn't appeal to me
Do you mind sharing an apartment with someone of the opposite sex? (required)
Yes, no problem at all
Yes, if they're with their spouse
No, not really
How do you feel about getting lost? (required)
It's kind of fun. I tumble onto cool places that way.
It's all a part of trave; sometimes fun, sometimes scary
It totally stresses me out
Which of these is most important to you when you're on a trip? (required)
Comfort: I want to relax and enjoy myself
Adventure: I want to get out of my comfort zone
Culture: I want to learn something new
Discovery: I want to explore and get a real feel for the city
Have you ever lived abroad? (required)
No, I'm not interested
Not yet but it's on my bucket list

Tell us how confident you feel about each of the following:

Very PoorPoorAverageGoodVery Good

Now, onto medical & emergency contact information...

If anything happens to you, we need to know a little about you and who to contact.


Thank you. Now, we just need to know some medical information.

This will only be shared with a medical professional in an emergency.

What is your contact's relationship to you? (required)
Spouse/Significant Other
I verify that I have thoroughly read the information packet sent to me and understand its contents. (required)